Sunday, September 5, 2010

The .hack//connection Part. 1 - Atoli vs. Shino vs. ... Alkaid?

Let's start a little backwards, from the second newest game in the series: .hack//G.U.

One theme of .hack//G.U. is pretty generic in story-driven video games: love. Holy Gandhi, though, this dude has quite a harem. In no particular order, an inner-suicidal/outer-bubbly girly girl, a mysterious woman obsessed with an even more mysterious man, an ambitious fighting champion, a little girl/boy split personality, a legendary bisexual, a walking brain with breasts, an altruistic mother-like figure in a kimono, two serial killers, and a cat.

Let's focus on the actual two important characters though: (Continued after the break.)

Starting with an Old Love: The .hack//connection

I remember my introduction to video games.

I had a SNES when I was about four. Well, more like my dad has a SNES, because all I recall doing is dying on Super Mario Bros. while he picked up the controller and showed me how to do it. That one-sided hierarchy ended with the Nintendo 64. I loved [failing] at Zelda games, especially Majora's Mask. To this day, I still have never finished it, nor have I tried since before my freshman year in high school.

Around the 6th grade, I was finally introduced to this little gem (a huge gem in Japan, apparently) on the PS2 called .hack. I loved the SIGN anime on TV and appreciated the Tsukasa's unique struggle of being trapped in something so surreal as a game. I think that's when I started obsessing over series the way I do now...

This is probably going to end up being a series considering how much I've looked into it...

A Short Intro

Hello, imaginary audience.

The reason I made this new blog is because I realized that... I think a hell of a lot about things I get into. As a bit of a nerd, I love video games, TV shows, movies, anime, and, occasionally, books. When I really like something, I start to think excessively, even obsessively, about every aspect of the story until I appreciate even the parts that people seem to hate.

And so, I figured, why not share it on something like a blog?

I was never that responsible with blogs. I've made dozens and yet I've failed to update them regularly and they just seemed to... rot.

Anyway, I hope that things work out for this blog and that I actually get some readers.